Social insertion

The creation of PPGEAP-UFPA, as well as other Institution Programs, was mainly motivated to meet the social and academic demands of the Amazon region. The fact that he is the first master's and doctorate in Ecology of the State of Pará, already shows the importance that Program has in the formation of Human resources qualified for action in this region. The candidates who submit to the selection process of PPGEAP are mostly graduate graduates who are unable to migrate to other regions. We also receive candidates from other states (AP, AM, MA, MG, MT, PE, RJ, RS) and from another country (Colombia). This diversity is indicative of what Program meets one's actual demand.


Interfaces with basic education 

Some PPGEAP faculty actively participate in the PARFOR Program (CAPES) and in the training of Biology teachers through the Pro-Bachelor Degree Program and the Open University of Brazil (CAPES). With extension activities, some teachers also promote the interaction of the academic with this public, arousing the curiosity of the student in the subject in Aquatic Ecology and Fisheries.