Ordinance for the Creation of PPGEAP Courses - Resolution 4.820 / 2016 CONSEPE / UFPA

MEC’s Course Acknowledgement (Ordinance nº 1.077, de 31/08/2012. Published in D.O.U. nº 178, in 09/13/2012, p. 25 and 51)


Internal Rules PPGEAP - CURRENT - Resolution 4.782/2016 CONSEPE/UFPA

Internal Rules PPGEAP - 2011-2015 - Resolution 4.094/2011 CONSEPE/UFPA


UFPA Statute

UFPA General Rules

General Regiment of the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Courses at UFPA

Resolution of the PPGEAP Collegiate on Teacher Accreditation

Resolution of the PPGEAP Collegiate on Proficiency

Ordinance nº 81 CAPES 03.06.16 – Faculty categories that composse the PPG's stricto​ sensu - DOU 06.06.16, p. 14