The Committee of ethics in research with animals of experimentation (CEPAE-UFPA) invites the scientific community to participate in the meeting where they will be presented:
-New online program CEPAE/UFPA;
-Information regarding activities with animal use for research/teaching, whereas current rules adopted by the National Council for Animal Experimentation control (CONCEA).
Date: 12/4/2015
Location: Auditorium João Paulo Mendes-ICB building
Time: 2:00 pm

Registrations are open from the Simplified selection process to fill vacancy of a visiting Professor teaching in working regime exclusive dedication to teaching in the graduate program in Aquatic Ecology and fishing (PPGEAP) of the Federal University of Pará.

Registrations can be made at the registry of the PPGEAP, located at the Institute of biological sciences. Rua Augusto Corrêa, no. 01-Belém Quarter-ZIP CODE: 66075-110 Parramatta. Phone: + (91)-8379 3201, from 11/9/2015 to 11/20/2015, Monday to Friday, in the 9:00 schedule at 12:00 hours.

Check out the Announcement.

Open the selection process for the graduate courses in the strict sense of the PPGEAP. 17 vacancies are offered for the master's and doctoral degrees to 22. Those approved will be joined in the first semester of school 2016 (2016.1), which is scheduled to start in March, according to the academic calendar UFPA.